Wordless Wednesday: She Has Picked The Tuba LINKY

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Kenzie is entering 4th grade and gets to finally pick a instrument. Well she picks her top 3 choices and they pick one for you. She really wanted the Sax, but they picked Tuba.


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9 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday: She Has Picked The Tuba LINKY

  1. The tuba is awesome! Hardly a run of the mill type instrument. I hope she persists with it 🙂

  2. So Cool! That’s how I felt when my then 11 year old picked trumpet but ended up with a baratone… that thing was huge!

  3. I know just how she feels! I wanted the sax but ended up with the clarinet. My fingers were really small and I couldn’t cover the holes completely so they then gave me the bass clarinet and it was HUGE compared to me! (I truly did enjoy playing it though, so I hope she gives it a good try!)

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