Blogger Bash Coffee Talk #BBNYC

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I will be attending Blogger Bash next week, and I am so excited. So to get introduced to everyone we are having a coffee talk with a few questions.

1. Name? Brandy!!! B, Mom I answer to them all

2. Where are you from? Everywhere: Born Bay Area California, but grew up in Arizona, then jumped around from Colorado to North Carolina and now Long Island, New York.

3. How long have you been blogging? 6 years, started as just a way to keep my family in the loop with my kids as I am over 2000 miles from home. It ended up blossoming into the blog I have now and I love it.

4. What is the meaning behind your blog name? It is funny but true. I have 3 children very close in age. They were all born in less than 3 years (almost 7, 8 and 9 years old). My husband went from the military to college, and now a PHD. So the No Time Mommy name came from me literally having no time for anything but my kids.

5. What are you most looking forward to at Blogger Bash?
Connections, getting to meet brands and learn more.

6. What three words describe you the best?
myself (weird)

7. Got kids? How many?
Yes I have 3
Kenzie is 9
Alex is 8
Will is 6 1/2

8. We all have a pet peeve. What is your #1?
Not getting to the point. Is that bad? LOL!

9. If you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?
Carl Sagan, I have always been fascinated with his work. He is a true genius and lover of all things science.

10. Show me your face!

Photo on 9-21-13 at 8.37 AM

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12 thoughts on “Blogger Bash Coffee Talk #BBNYC

  1. Ha! I love when people are blunt, with as many kids as we have we need people to get right to it because chances are something is about to happen and we will no longer be paying attention LOL – Cant wait to meet you!

  2. Nice to “meet” you Brandy!! I will definitely try my best to be “to the point” sometimes when I’m meeting someone new, and I’m nervous – I tend to start babbling! oops.

  3. Love your reasoning behind the blog name. My blog is When’s My Vacation for almost the same reasons. When you are a mother of little ones you don’t get a vacation! Look forward to meeting you next week!

  4. another bicoastal human! Awesome! And I totally understand. I was ‘no time student” for a while while my husband played stay home dad!

  5. It always sort of annoys me when I’m talking to someone and have no clue where the story is going or why they are telling it, get to the point.

  6. Great to learn about you this way. Not sure how you do it with so many kids but my hat is off to up you!

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