KidzVuz Is Getting Everyone Ready For Back To School #KidzVuzBTS

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At the end of Blogger Bash KidzVuz held a back to school event, where you could bring your family. So I left a bit early to o meet my family at Penn Station for the event.

The kids were so excited for this event, they loved the last KidzVuz event they attended.

The kids first walked in and were immediately overwhelmed and wanted to run to everything. My daughters first ran to StarStable, which is a great new online game for girls. They were offering girls a hairstyle while they played the game.


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There were so many great companies on hand including Microsoft, Hasbro, Speck, Lands End. They even had WWE Wrestlers on hand to give autographs and pictures.

My kids were jumping around so we missed so much, but there favorite part was the money machine From School Specialty.




My son couldn’t pass up the opportunity to do a video review


We were met on our way out with a family photo which I was so thankful for as we rarely ever take one.


My kids got to model their brand new backpacks from Lands End



My kids are so excited about getting to make more video reviews for KidzVuz and one they are dying to put online is this video. The Guardians Of The Galaxy mask is Hilarious

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