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Everyone wants to have a perfect smile, but no one wants to experience the pain or price of getting that perfect smile.

SmileSimplicity is a new non invasive way to get Porcelain Veneers. What makes this so different from regular Veneers

Traditional veneer procedures rely on mechanical technology, which means the dentist must grind away sensitive tooth structure to accommodate the new porcelain veneer. The SmileSimplicity difference is the difference between chemistry and mechanics. With a SmileSimplicity procedure there is no compromise to the health of teeth. A traditional veneer procedure can occasionally damage tooth structure, causing pulpal death that requires a root canal.

No pian and no needles, sounds like a dream come true and this is definitely a procedure that I want to make my smile perfect, but I still need work before I can even consider it.

Go here to find more about SmileSimplicity

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