Holiday: Maleficent Flies to Blu-ray and DVD #HGG14

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In the beginning you see the magical wonders of the Moore where Maleficent lives with all the fairy tale creatures. She soon meets a human boy Stephen and becomes smitten. They keep meeting, but he starts to become greedy. The king also hears about Maleficent’s power and starts a attack to destroy her, so he will be the only one powerful.
He fails and falls ill, he announces his successor will be the one who defeats Maleficent. He comes back and pretends to be in love with Maleficent, but one night while she is asleep, he tries to kill her but can’t so cuts off her wings instead.
Fast forward to him being king and announcing the birth of his daughter.
From there it is much like the fairy tale sleeping beauty. She curses the baby and the 3 fairies hide in the woods until she is almost 16 and she escapes, pricks her finger and falls into a deep sleep.

Bonus Features:

  • Aurora Becoming A Beauty
  • From Fairy Tale To Feature Film
  • Building An Epic Battle
  • Classic Couture
  • Maleficent Revealed

Aurora: Becoming A Beauty – Maleficent Blu-ray & Digital HD Bonus Clip

Elle Fanning talks about playing Princess Aurora and what drew her to the role. MALEFICENT – Own it on Blu-ray and Digital HD 11/4! Pre-order: Like Maleficent on Facebook: Follow Disney on Twitter: @DisneyPictures Follow Maleficent on Twitter: @Maleficent Instagram: Pinterest: #Maleficent

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When I was little I was never really a big fan of Sleeping Beauty, I thought it was a bit more dark than all of the other Princess/fairy tale movies. I could just never get into it.
My kids seem to see past the darkness and just love the Princess, danzel in distress aspect off the movie.

When Disney announced Maleficent I just thought it was going to be pretty much the same movie, plus I have never really been a fan of Angelina Jolie. I didn’t even plan on seeing the movie.

I WAS WRONG. I love this movie. It is dark and their is a bit of violence in it. It really is the modern day version of Sleeping beauty. It’s the back story you have always wondered.

This movie will make you laugh, cry, and have you on the edge of your seat.

Maleficent flies to Blu-ray and dvd on November 4, 2014.

Running Time: 97 minutes

Will this be on your holiday gift list?

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3 thoughts on “Holiday: Maleficent Flies to Blu-ray and DVD #HGG14

  1. I liked Sleeping Beauty when I was a kid and am kind of wondering just how good this movie would be- I am on the fence when Disney or anyone else starts messing with classics. I do have to admit this looks good and I have hear alot of good things about this movie. If my niecee gets it I am borrowing it.

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