Skin Free review

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Sensitive skin and eczema run in my family and my husbands family. So i wasn’t surprised when all 3 of my kids developed eczema.  It’s hard to find a product that helps. my niece used elidell and it worked, but a $300 a tube it’s not a option.   Recently i was approached by the Company behind the Skin Free line.  

Julie Hilton was constantly frustrated when asked to recommend products for patients with difficult skin problems, especially those with fragrance allergies. She recognized a void in the market and knew that she could offer effective and affordable products to fill it. Atopic dermatitis, eczema, and psoriasis are life-long conditions and need to be addressed for the long term. Patients with diabetes or renal disease, pregnant women, babies, the elderly, and patients treated with radiation therapy can all benefit from quality natural products. Even people who just have dry, sensitive skin can appreciate wholesome natural skincare products.”

I recieved the extra moisturizing soap, niaouli butter stick, after shower moisture spritz, and the super moisture body balm.  All the products are fragrance free, colorant free, have no petroleum and no harmful chemicals. Recommended for delicate, sensitive or very dry skin, helpful for allergies, eczema, psoriasis or dermatitis.

The extra moisturizing soap really helped with my kids eczema. It lathered up more than usual soaps do, which was good.   you can even use it as a shampoo! i loved this product and it really does help.

The niaouli butter stick is great for healing broken patchy skin. it worked well on my rough dry skin. I get really dry and elbows and knees, it worked great on rilef. it even helped with my dry lips.

super moisture body balm-this lotion was great it’s fragrance free and can give you up to 20 times the moisturizing ability of any other lotion.   This actually looked like oil going on the skin.  it smells a little like cocoa or cocoa butter.  it works great though, it even helped on the heels of my feet. (get cracky and dried out a lot)

after shower moisture spritz-  it was really oilly going on but after the towel dry, it left my skin shiny and wonderful.

i would recommend these products to anyone, especially if you have dry skin or eczema they work great

please visit skin free for more information or to buy products

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