New World Menu At Stop and Shop

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Disclosure: A gift card was provided to help with the cost of products.

Stop and Shop now has a new line of products in the freezer section. Stop and Shop’s world menu is a variety of different foods from around the world.



World Menu features more than 50 Italian and Asian favorites, found primarily in the frozen section, all featuring quality ingredients and easy preparation. From ready-made meals during the work week, to encouraging kids to try new foods to fun themed weekend meals, there are many possibilities for incorporating Stop & Shop’s World Menu products into meal planning.


I bought Chicken Basil rolls and Veggie rolls from their Chinese line. They are suppose to be like egg rolls. Just put them on a cookie sheet and bake them in the oven.



I really liked the veggie rolls and the Chicken Basil was okay. I honestly think they would of been excellent if I had deep fried them and I just felt they weren’t crunchy enough on the outside, but inside was still very good.

You can try the new World Menu now at Stop and Shop. Prices range from $3.49-$7.99. What will you be trying?

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