Pace Picante Salsa review

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i got to try out some Pace Picante salsa. the regular salsa, mild. plus the new Salsa Verde.

Pace was started by a young Texan (David Pace) who started out producing the freshest picante sauce. he went through ingredients and bottling techniques to find the perfect blend. the final product a blend of tomatoes, onions, and jalapenos, and a unique production process.

Salsa_verdeI  got to try the new Salsa Verde. It was very good, and spicy. tasted like Salsa Verde Doritos.  After it was refrigerated, it tasted a bit different.  it still had flavor, but it had a weird after taste, that i wasn’t fond of.
This salsa features tomatillos with lime, and smoked Spanish paprika.
you can find them at any grocery store, with a retail price of $3-5 dollars

sauce-and-vegThe regualr salsa, medium is what we usually buy when we are in the mood for salsa. It tastes very good, plus it’s thick and chunky, which is always a plus.

features onions,tomatoes, and jalapenos.


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