Donate Life PSA With Erik Compton

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Nearly 124,000 people including children are waiting for organ transplants in the United States. That is a crazy amount of people, which is why it is important that you make the choice to donate life.


In the “Play Through with Erik Compton to Donate Life” PSA, Erik Compton, a PGA TOUR golfer and two-time heart transplant recipient, raises awareness for organ donation and encourages Americans to become organ donors. He inspires viewers by reminding them, “You too can donate life.”
In the PSA, Erik joins news anchor and kidney donor, Phillip Palmer, and a group of organ transplant recipients, including professional soccer player Samuel Gordon, and athletes Eric Drear, Cristian Sanchez, Nick Wallace, and Jennifer Golden. Each individual shares their personal experience with organ donations and explains that they are alive and healthy today because people chose to be organ donors.
Donate Life has found that 90% of Americans say that they support organ donation, however only 30% are aware of the correct steps needed to be taken in order to become a donor.

The PSA directs people who would like to become organ donors to visit Donate Life America for more information about donation, how to register in your state’s donor registry and, importantly, don’t forget to tell your family about your decision. Discussing organ donation with family members helps ensure organ donation wishes are honored.

April is Donate Life month, help someone today.

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