How You Can Eliminate Bed Bugs From Your Home

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Bed bugs are not considered dangerous to health and, unlike some pests, they do not spread disease, but this does not make them any less unwanted. Bites from bed bugs can cause excessive itching and loss of sleep. Scratching to relieve the itch can result in a secondary skin infection.
There are some actions you can take which can help eliminate bed bugs and we are going to have a look at a few. You can also enlist the help of a professional exterminator in dealing with the problem. If you want to know about bed bug control you can read more at the Milwaukee pest control website. We will discuss how important it can be to seek a solution from a pest control expert.

How do you know you have a problem with bed bugs?
One of the most obvious signs of a bed bug problem is if people in the household start to itch, bed bug bites can be very irritating. If you suspect you may have a problem with bed bugs you will need to examine the box spring and mattress on the bed for any signs, such as the bugs themselves, molted skins of bed bug nymphs which are light brown or the tell dark spots of bed bug excrement.
You will also need to check drawers, upholstered items of furniture, carpet edges and any cracks in the room; anywhere that a bed bug may call home.

What actions should you take?
Once you know you have a bed bug problem you will need to take action to alleviate it. It’s hard to treat a mattress or box spring but you can purchase bed bug proof mattress protectors through which bugs cannot escape; hence they are suffocated. These items can save you from having to invest in a new mattress and box spring.
Any bedding or clothing which has been affected will need to be washed at a temperature of 120°F minimum. You should also tumble dry on hot; the steam kills bed bugs.
You will need to thoroughly vacuum the entire area, paying special attention to edges and creases where bugs may be hidden. Remember that, once you have finished vacuuming, you will need to dispose of the contents of the vacuum in sealed trash bags.

How can professional exterminators help you deal with a bed bug problem?
If you have bed bugs in your home you don’t have to deal with them by yourself; hiring a pest control expert to help with the problem can be a perfect solution. Every home is different so the exterminator will speak to you about your specific issues, and will work with you to produce a detailed plan of how to deal with the bed bug infestation in your property. The professionals have vast experience of bed bug control which they can use to provide an efficient service in your case.

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