Cord Blood Banking With LifeBank USA

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I had a complicated pregnancy with all 3 of my children, I was sick all 9 months and struggled with several things. My middle daughter the doctor said would have a variety of issues like Spina Bifida, she could be blind and deaf etc. They gave me several options, abortion which is absolutely off the table. Cord Blood Banking, and adoption. It really scared me, and I didn’t know what to believe. I wanted to do anything to make my child get better.


I decided on doing the cord blood bank. No matter how my child was born, she would be loved. When my daughter was born she was a perfectly healthy baby girl, No problems at all. Well she had jaundice, but thats fairly common. We still wanted to do the cord blood banking in case any problems arrived in the future, we still have yet to use it.

Important reasons why you should consider Blood banking:

  • Through cord blood banking, you can collect and preserve potentially lifesaving stem cells, and doing so could one day save the life of your child or a blood relative.
  • You can bank even more stem cells by collecting them from 2 usable sources of stem cell-rich blood: the umbilical cord and the placenta.
    Placental Cord Blood Banking is only available through LifebankUSA.

    If you decide to do the cord blood bank, LifebankUSA is the place to do cord blood banking. The process is easy you will receive a kit that will hold your entire placenta, to collect your child’s cod blood. After it is collected you can call the medical courier to come for pick up. Medical courier and LifebankUSA are on call 24 hours 7 days a week. There is no fee for the shipping service and your cord blood is shipped fast and safe.
    Once it arrives at their lab, they will scan and process it, they separate the stem cells from the plasma and are counted and recorded. They then are sent to storage where they are seperated by stem cell and cryopreserved, vapor-phase cryogenic nitrogen storage. The storage is monitored all day everyday.

    LifebankUSA has their own lab and storage facility in New Jersey, and is one of the largest Stem Cell Banks in the United States.

    About LifebankUSA:
    As the only company that offers cord blood, placenta blood and tissue banking — and the first to release placenta-derived stem cells for a successful transplant — New Jersey-based LifebankUSA is a technological leader that is pioneering key medical innovations in the field. Owned by the Celgene Corporation, a world-class biopharmaceutical company, LifebankUSA also operates a robust donation program and collects cells from anywhere in the US for use primarily in advancing medical research.

    If you would like to find out more about Cord Blood Bank of your own, donation, or just how the process works. You can also see prices for their services and a calculator to estimate a payment plan.

    Disclosure: A gift card was received for this post. All opinions are 100% my own.

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