Keeping Kids Safe This Summer #SummerSafety

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I have three kids at home all summer and for the last few years I have been to the doctor and emergency room so many times for accidents. I try to protect them the best I can but they are kids and want to have fun. Most of the accidents have been unavoidable, from playing sports or just being a kid.

I have already made one major trip to the ER this year when my daughter broke her thumb riding her bike. Other than that one major accident there has been scratches, cuts, burns, and smashed fingers.


It really has me thinking about supplemental insurance for my family, you never know how handy it can be.
Supplemental insurance is a important part of health care, especially for todays workers who have not accepted that they have been diagnosed with a serious illness.
Helps save money from out of pocket expenses that most major insurance companies won’t pay due to illness, cancer and more.
Most policies will also have options to help you with your everyday expenses like groceries, childcare and lodging. You can ask your employer about these plans.

We still have over a month of summer vacation left and tons of activities so I am going through tips to help keep my kids safe.

1.Safety Gear- when riding a bike,roller skating, or playing sports, always make sure your child has the appropriate gear on. Helmets, pads, mouth guards, and gloves, they may seem like a pain, but they are there to keep your child safe.

2.Practice- Make sure your child has been practicing their sport or activity instead of just going at it. This will reduce the chances of injury. Also make sure they drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated.

3. Body Aches- Parents should teach their child that if they are feeling tired, or any part of their body hurts it’s okay to stop. Pushing through when tired or having a injury will only hurt them worse. It’s okay to take a break.


4.Apply Apply Apply- We live near the beach so there is always 2 things we need. Sunscreen and bug spray. The beach is nice during the day but the sun can be brutal and sunscreen helps there skin stay beautiful. At night though the mosquitos come out everywhere. My kids are bit everywhere, so we always have bug spray and cream. West Nile Virus is around and even confirmed in our area. Always have spray or lanterns when out at night.

5. Always watch your kids around water, roads, pools, and trails. Please watch your kids this summer, I know that text message or email seems important but it’s not.

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Accidents happen specially with kids around, make sure you’re prepared with supplemental insurance like Aflac’s accident policy to help cover out-of-pocket expenses.

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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