I’m a finalist

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I’m a finalist in th 5 minutes for mom kodak father of the year contest. i recieved my kodak zi6 camera today, and still have a chance to win a trip to florida for the childrens miracle classic.

i’m a little nervous if i win what to do with my kids. family is to far away and the trip is only for two. figure it out, but i have to win first.

here is my daughters entry

i would like to nominate my daddy. he is the best daddy ever. He goes to school and works to help take care of me and my brother and sister. He always makes sure that he has time for us, no matter how busy he is. I was just a newborn baby, but my mommy and daddy have both told me, he was in the army for 4 years, and served 2 years in iraq. He doesn’t like to talk about it.
I’m very proud of him for it though. My daddy didn’t get to see me for my entire first year, beacuse of that. He is smart funny handsome. The best daddy ever, and i think he deserves this award, for being so dedicated to my family.
Thank you daddy and I love you

written by McKenzie age 4 with help of her mom

Now i have to bring it to life on camera. (hubby hates cameras and pics)

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