Brave Girls Book Review

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I have 2 daughters and know how hard it can be to build their confidence, with bullies in school and hardships. I try to build their confidence as much as I can, but as they get older it can get harder. I just finished reading Brave Girls and it was very empowering to hear the insights in this book.


After interviewing hundreds of high-achieving businesswomen, Dr. Radin discovered that even the country’s most accomplished female professionals were often hampered by insecurity and afraid of being considered too aggressive in a business world run largely by men. She is dedicated to uncovering the inherent strengths, value, and skills of young girls.

Dr. Radins research showed that girls start to develop harmful thoughts around middle school, when kids start to question their identity.

My daughters are 9 and 10 and they are just entering the middle school age. Although my oldest daughter seems very confident and is a great student, someone saying something mean or bullying her really brings her down.
I try to instill in them that this world can be cruel and you need to be confident and stand up for yourself. Looks at all the powerful woman in this country, who have things said about them that are so rash, yet they ignore it and manage on.
Every chapter of this book makes me feel better as a parent knowing that I can help my daughters be brave Girls and help them grow stronger and have passion, power, and purpose.

Dr. Radin started the Unleashed program to help young girls build the tools needed to be more confident and brave. To learn more about this program and how you can help visit Unleashed.

You can buy the book here.

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post on behalf of Pivoting Media. All opinions are 100% my own.

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2 thoughts on “Brave Girls Book Review

  1. This sounds like a great book.

    Its odd, but I mean its almost like people just discovered there were such things as bullies or that some kids are very sensitive. Bullies have been around forever unfortunately.

    There have always been mean girls and mean boys. The sad part, is there always will be.

    Keep teaching your kids the are good and fine as they are. Its all you can do… and make sure they arent one of the bullies. (which I am sure your girls arent but some it surprises parents their kids are doing it)

  2. Wow, what a great book! My girls are older now but I would have loved to have read something like this back when they were younger. I do know several Mothers with girls this age and will have to pass the info on about this book.

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