9 Things For The New Year

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It’s 2016 and with new year brings cluttering out the old and preparing for the new. Here are 10 things for the new year that most people forget. Most of these are just basic reminders.

1. If there is anything that has been driving you crazy for months get it done now. A loose door knob, a broken chair leg. Fix them now or change them whatever it may be. It will help save your sanity in the new year.

2. Change smoke/Carbon Monoxide alarm batteries. Usually people do this with daylight savings time, but if you haven’t now is the time to do it.

3. Clean out expired items. I ignore things in my cupboards unless I use them. Now that it’s 2016 start cleaning out cupboards, makeup bags and more. Some things you should throw out include.

  • expired medication (better to recycle these at a local pharmacy)
    expired food, yes check those cans sitting in cupboards too.
    expired makeup

    4. Organize: My kids got a lot of new stuff for Christmas so now we are organizing and rearranging to make it look less cluttered.

    5. Take your car in for a oil change or maintenance.

    6. Get your carpets cleaned. I can’t tell you how much traffic my carpets see. We clean them at least every few months, but start the year off with cleaning them.

    7. Start to plan out appts and your schedule. I have always been a last minute person and lately it hasn’t been working out as doctors get booked out for months.

    8. Just say NO, 2016 is the year you can finally just say no to everything that has been holding you back. Don’t be afraid

    9. Finally just take a break and tell your family you love them and think about everything you are looking forward to doing with them in the new year.

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