Colorful Peeps® are Flying into Easter Baskets

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Easter is only a little over a week away, while my kids are getting older I still love filling up a Easter Basket for them. I like to put as many different items as I can to make it fun. With candy I like to find a variety of colorful items. We found that Peeps, have so many different varieties and colorful options, so this year I am adding colorful Peeps® to Easter baskets.

Peeps® are everyones favorite Marshmallow treat. They started out as chicks and birds, but have expanded to fit in every holiday, and now feature Easter Eggs and more. Plus the favors have expanded with birthday cake, orange cream, chocolate and so much more. Peeps and Company® also features and sells Hot Tamales, Mike and Ike, and Peanut Chews. They also have a variety of fun branded colorful Peeps® items like ear buds, plush animals, clothes and more which are perfect for Easter baskets.

Colorful Peeps®

There are so many ways to use these colorful Peeps® for Easter inspiration, like recipes, decorations on a cake, adult drinks, crafts and more. The possibilities are endless.

Peeps and Company® is having a Easter basket bonanza with 50-75% off, Hurry over now and fill your baskets.

Disclosure: No formal compensation was received, products were provided by Peeps and Company®. All opinions are 100% my own.

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One thought on “Colorful Peeps® are Flying into Easter Baskets

  1. easter wouldn’t be easter without those cute yellow chick peeps! They are a must in our family.

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