Atkins Makes Meal Planning Simple

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I have been on a mission to lose weight since we moved to California. I’ve been hiking and hating the gym everyday, but felt I needed to do more so I started to meal plan. The Atkins Easy Peasy Meal kit makes, planning meals so easy and stress free.

You start with Shakes for Breakfast, a meal bar for snack and a yummy frozen meal for lunch and dinner. It was a hard adjustment at first but half way through the week, it became easier. The shakes were very good. The frozen meals were also good, well most of them. My favorite was the Taco bake bowls.


About Atkins Meal Kit:
the Atkins Meal Kits take all of the guesswork out of preparing meals and snacks, and offer simplified options for the low-carb lifestyle.
Consumers may order Atkins Meal Kits at, where they can receive free support from nutritionists, access educational materials and share insights from their personal weight-loss journey with members of the Atkins community. In addition, all plans come with the Atkins Meal Kit Guide, The New Atkins Made Easy book, the Atkins Carb Counter and the Recipe Booklet.

I ended up losing about 12 lbs in a little as 2 weeks with the Atkins meals plus my gym and walking regiment. Although at the end I did gain some back. I am happy with where I am at and ill be continuing eating healthy and keeping at my goal.

Meal Kits are exclusively at Atkins and with free shipping and saving 5% by using coupon code NEWKIT5, it turns out to be a great deal.

This post was sponsored by the RoleMommy Writer’s Network. All opinions are 100% my own.

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