Charmin Essentials Is Soft And Strong

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Disclosure:This post was sponsored by Charmin as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central.

As a family of 5, we go through Toilet paper like crazy. I always look for the strongest and softest toilet paper, 2 ply is a must of course. I have been using the same brand for years and loved it, but was recently introduced to a new line of Charmin Toilet paper and had my family try it for a week. They did notice the difference automatically, and asked if I had bought something different.


Charman Essentials is introducing Charmin Essentials Soft and Charmin Essentials Strong, both lines are perfect for families with kids and will hold up to any mess. Plus they keep noses soft and not dried out.

It’s great for families on a budget and has more product to offer then competitors. As proof here is the brand my family has been using for years compared to Charmin Essentials Soft.


You can tell which one is Charmin without even labeling it, as it looks softer and bigger than the other brand.

Right now Upgrade your toilet paper just by tweeting to the company: It’s a great promotion and you get a free roll of toilet paper.

Upgrade your Angel Soft for Charmin Essentials Soft or Scott 1000 to Charmin Essentials Strong just send a TP Swap out request to @Charmin using the hashtag #CharminEssentials and #Promotion, and Charmin will send you a free roll. Please see term and Conditions here.

It’s that simple and you can try it yourself.

After our week of just using Charmin Essentials Soft, we loved it. It was soft and durable, my young kids were at ease using it with no complaints of roughness. I think we will definitely be making the switch, it seems like a better buy in the long run and you get more bang for your buck.

Have you tried Charmin Essentials? You can find Charmin Essentials at all major retailers.

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One thought on “Charmin Essentials Is Soft And Strong

  1. There are some things I will skimp on and others I wont. Charmn is one I wont. We like this brand, adn usually there are some good coupons for it.

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