top 10 reasons i’m excited to stay home with the family this weekend

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since i’m not going to blogher this weekend, and i’m staying at home. i’m entering a contest with mom of 2 boys and cozicape to win $100

my reasons for staying home this weekend are

1.My house would fall apart without me

2. I would miss my babys to much

3. blogher isn’t everything and family is more important

4. take my kids to the park some good cookout

6. get the kids to help me get some work done around the house

7.spend some quality time with the hubby($100 could take us on a date!) the new movie coraline with my kids

9. get some good lovin from my hubby!

10.relax and enjoy my family

please leave me comments this is how i get chosen to win!!!!!

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91 thoughts on “top 10 reasons i’m excited to stay home with the family this weekend

  1. thats good i’m proud of you family should always come first. have fun with your little ones

  2. I hope you have a good time at home this weekend because we had a good time at the mountains last weekend.

  3. Everyone keeps talking about cooking otu this weekend. I think I might have to as well.

  4. i don’t nderstand how bloggers can just take off and be away from their familys all the time. so many events. good for you putting family first. i know a lot of bloggers dont

  5. I sure hope your house wouldn’t fall apart without you! I wanna see that movie too.

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