So What review

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So What: How to Communicate What Really Matters to Your Audience is about finding the connections you crave, securing the interview you’ve longed for and getting the job you want can all be acieved by answering so what?

to a potential employer or a business colleague, just ask yourself 3 simple questions

For what? why are you making this pitch?

So what? why is this important to your audience or the person your speaking to?

now what? what do you want to have happen as a result of this conversation?

according to Mark Magnacca(the author) says these three simple questions given quickly, convincingly, and powerfully people will respond with i love it, i want it, and i’ll take it.

i found this book very interesting and helpful as a blogger. I make pitches to companys all the time. its very good to know what to do and not. It’ s been helpful and has shown some success in my pitches.

this book is available on amazon

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