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 Easter was kind of a wierd one. My husbands birthday was on Easter this year. (which makes him so proud) the last time it was on the 23 was 1913 and the next time will be my husbands 246 birthday. He did all this research about it.
  I made a big dinner for all his family, well the ones that came. Then followed by a cake, it was so stressful on me and me and my husband decided no more family get togethers unless he is out on vacation. Good for me!  Our spring break was the week before and we went and had family portraits done something I have been begging for forever. My husband hates pictures. They came out really good though. I’ll try posting one later it won’t let me right now. We went to the zoo, which i really liked the gorillas came up close to us. They are older females and take to kids so they wanted to come see our kids.  That was about it. So it was a fun 2 weeks for me.

How do you spend time with your family on Easter? Do you do baskets for the kids? Go to Church? Big Dinner?

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