Back to school tips with Peter Walsh and Officemax

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I recently got to watch a outstanding webcast with Peter Walsh, and some special guests to answer all of our back to school questions. The guests were a award winning teacher, a mom, and two students.

School starts in just a few short weeks, and i’m going to share some great organizing tips.


Tips for your child and backpack:

  • cleanout  your backpack and binder once a week                             
  •   make homework space, clutter is bad for concentration
  • teach your child how to ise a backpack, lots of pockets
  • color coding can help with small children

For the home:

  • Give yourself time to organize
  • show you value organization and make it a family value
  • use the right tools for organization
  • declutter, and see what school supplies you really need to buy
  • establish a routine for you and family

    Tip for giving back to teachers:

  • Teachers spend $1200 a year out of pocket on school supplies So instead of giving th teacher an apple give them school supplies!

OfficeMax sent me some school supplies from the  Scoolio Von Hoolio, a kid-centric line available at OfficeMax.   I think they are adorable and perfect for my little girl starting school. i love how everything coordinates together, and the hearts, flowers and owl are so cute.

For all your school supplies visit OfficeMax

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2 thoughts on “Back to school tips with Peter Walsh and Officemax

  1. Thanks for sharing these great organization tips from Peter Walsh and OfficeMax’s new school supplies!

  2. Thanks for sharing these great organization tips from Peter Walsh and OfficeMax's new school supplies!; Thanks for sharing these great organization tips from Peter Walsh and OfficeMax's new school supplies!;;

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