Trix Swirl cereal and a giveaway

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                                                                                                              Trix Swirls

The new trix swirls cereal combines two fruity flavorsto every puff. Satisfying for tastebuds and creativity. my kids and I sat and talked about how they could get theswirls mixed together. they came up with some crazy answers.  The cereal is a good source of calcium and vitamin D.  Trix Swirls come in these great flavors lemony green, berry berry blue, and rasporangey orange!


“Silly rabbit Trix are for kids”   i loved that saying as a kid eating Trix cereal.

I have a creative kids prize pack to giveaway to one lucky reader

you get everything shown above, so you can get creative.

to enter leave me a comment telling me how you think trix got the colors to swirl together?

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contest closes 9/5/09 at 5 pm 

thanks to my blog spark for this opportunity

Closed: winner is Carol

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19 thoughts on “Trix Swirl cereal and a giveaway

  1. I think two Trix workers accidentally bumped into each other when they were carrying the Trix colors, and they got swirled.

  2. The mommy bunny was rushing around getting the baby bunnies ready for school. Mama bunny mistakenly gave the baby bunnies each others cereal bowl and when they were switching the bowls ,they hit and the cereal swirled together
    A new Twix cereal was born

  3. My children think they got their colors from a leprecaun who stole the colors from a rainbow and hid them in the pot of gold.

  4. I think they got the idea from a paint and a paint bruch and add one preschooler and you get swirls of colors!

  5. I don’t know If I said it already but …Hey good stuff…keep up the good work! 🙂 I read a lot of blogs on a daily basis and for the most part, people lack substance but, I just wanted to make a quick comment to say I’m glad I found your blog. Thanks,)

    A definite great read..Tony Brown

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