Hellman’s virtual sandwich swap N share

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When i was a kid I always wanted to trade my sandwich with my friends. turkey and cheese just got old after a while.. My kids on the other hand are not old enough but i don’t think would trade their PB&j sandwiches.  Luckily, Hellmann’s and Best Foods Mayonnaise has teamed up with musician and actor Billy Ray Cyrus to encourage people of all ages to celebrate their favorite childhood ritual and join the virtual Sandwich Swap ‘n’ Share program to raise money for Feeding America, the nation’s leading domestic hunger-relief charity.

join Billy Ray Cyrus, celebrated celebrity dad, in contributing to this very worthy cause. For every sandwich created as part of the virtual Sandwich Swap ‘n’ Share program on www.facebook.com/hellmannsHellmann’s and Best Foods will donate 7 lunches[1] to Feeding America.

thanks to Momselect


Each sandwich created will automatically enter you for a chance to win a $250 grocery store gift certificate. And for every friend on Facebook  that you share your sandwich with, Hellmann’s and Best Foods will donate an additional 7 lunches to the charity.

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3 thoughts on “Hellman’s virtual sandwich swap N share

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