making healthy eating fun for kids

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I admit, i give in at times and just give my kids something unhealthy. I want them to eat healthy, but at times there is no time to make healthy snacks, or i’m just to tired. I have found some interesting healthy recipes to help ease the pain.

Yogurt and sliced fruit:

4 cups strawberry-banana yogurt                                                             

1 cup of granola

1 banana sliced

4 strawberries sliced

Top yogurt with granola,bananas and strawberries.

Is this my personnal recipe? No, I am not a good cook at all.

thanks to Rachael Rays 30 minute meals for kids!

This post was written for the WB, I have been hired by them and will be compensated.

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One thought on “making healthy eating fun for kids

  1. I find that if I make or bake something that is healthy with my girls they are more inclined to eat it since they made it! My girls love carrot muffins and squash/corn muffins becasue of that!

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