how we named our children

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This is how we named our children. With my two girls we wanted to come up with names that were not that common and had a link to our Scottish german heritage. we came up with McKenzie and Alexandra. Even though they are common now they were not at that time,  middle names were chosen after a great grandmother on each of our sides.    With my son we wanted something from our heritage again. but we wanted a good strong name that has stood the test of time.  we came up with William, middle name was named after his daddy. My husband is a third generation so we didn’t want to name him the fourth but still carried on the name.   McKenzie Christine Alexandra Dorothy and William Jack.

It’s amazing how many unique and different names there are in this world, so many heritages and everything else.

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One thought on “how we named our children

  1. My new baby girl due in June is named after Elvis Presley. Her name will be Presley Jane. My son who is 3 yrs old is named Memphis.

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