Relating to the new show The Middle

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Have you seen “The Middle” yet on ABC. Frankie dresses up as a super hero for her sons classroom, but shows up on the wrong day.







The only thing I can think of that I’ve done thats ridiculous for my daughter at school is just be over supportive.  I always want to be involved in everything, and I am the first mom to turn papers, money etc. in.  Now there are times where my child has embarrassed me. Just like another scene from the first episode of the middle. Brick lies to his mom about what day to be there.  My DD will tell me something, and i’ll confront the teacher, only for her to tell the teacher it wasn’t true.

does this look like your family?







This is what dinner what like growing up, we never ate at the table.

Watch The Middle on Wednesdays 8:30/7:30 c on

Disclosure:  I have been hired by Warner Bros to help raise awareness for The Middle.

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