Blogging vs Parenting

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This is not geared towards anyone.

I wrote this because I even struggle with this problem.

Blogging is my hobby and I love it. I get a lot of fun out of it and I try to bring fun to everyone else. If you’ve noticed though my blogging time has been cut down tremendously.    I blog a lot when kids are sleeping, but hubby complains.

  I realized that I was spending too much time on the computer and not enough time with my children, or husband. Now I am home all day with my kids, but I do go on the computer  occasionally.  My children are never unattended, and my laptop follows them.

Family is always first. Money, free products, free trips, etc. is nice, but if it doesn’t involve my family it’s not worth it.

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One thought on “Blogging vs Parenting

  1. I hear you on that! I have cut down on how I run my virtual business and blog … I found my mind wanted to be the productive mom, but I wasn’t playing with my two sons as much as I should be and so my new mission is to only get online first thing while they eat breakfast so I can clean my inbox and show comment love and then later in the evening when my husband has “Daddy and kid” time I finish up for a couple hours. After the kids go to bed, hubs and I both get on our PC’s and work!

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