Dentyne Gum Now Has New Packaging(giveaway)CLOSED

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I have 3 bottles to give away to one reader.

To enter tell me what you think of the new packaging? (REQUIRED)

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Tweet this-4 entries please leave a link and must include @notimemommy (done daily for 2 entries)

follow dentyne on twitter– 3 entries

Contest closes 2/22/10

Disclosure: I did not receive compensation for this post I did receive a product from Dentyne Gum for my review.

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28 thoughts on “Dentyne Gum Now Has New Packaging(giveaway)CLOSED

  1. I like the new packaging. I think it is more artsy and attractive. Thanks for the chance. bekki1820cb at gmail

  2. I really love the art design especially the blue one. I think the art on the bottles make you want to buy that brand more than the plain old gum packages.

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