I Don’t Want To Miss Contest

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I hated missing school when I was sick. Now that i am a mother I try to ensure that my daughter stays healthy, so she can attend school. Although most of the time she gets sick from kids at school.  I have been really predacious this year with H1N1, I always carry hand sanitizer for my kids. 

American Idol finalist Danny Gokey has teamed up with the Clorox Company, to launch the I Don’t Want To Miss campaign, designed to get teens and their teachers involved in flu prevention. 

Now in its second year, the program features a contest that invites school musical groups, like glee clubs, show choirs, etc.  to develop a video performance of a song written by Berklee College of Music student Will Wells on what they don’t want to miss out on if they were home sick and why prevention is important. The winning school will win a music class led by former American Idol finalist Danny Gokey!
        The Clorox company will donate $100 to the Sophia Heart Foundation, up to 10,000 dollars. The Sophia Heart Foundation was started by Gokey in honor of his late wife Sophia, and dedicated to helping children succeed in music.

Visit Clorox facebook page for more information. 

“I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central  on behalf of Clorox and received $20 thank-you gift certificate. 


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