What I Think Defines A Successful Relationship

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I’ve been married for 5 1/2 years, but been with my hubby for over 7 years. We have our share of problems.

1.I think trust is #1, if you don’t have trust you have nothing.

Essence couple Cleveland and Maya live 6 hours away from each other but have been together for 11 yrs. Now thats trust

2.Communication is a big one.

Essence couple Irvin and Dewain say they can talk about everything.

3.I like knowing that someone cares more than just about themselves. A Giver

Essence couple Andre says fiancée Genine is more caring about others and that was attracted him.

Don’t forget to go vote for your favorite couple to win the Will You  Marry Me Contest


 “I have been hired by Warner Bros WB Word division to raise awareness for Essence’s Will You Marry Me? contest.”

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