Crystal Light Pure Fitness Review

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Crystal Light is making a sweet breakthrough in fitness beverages-Crystal light pure fitness. The first naturally sweetened, low-calorie fitness drink mix, Crystal Light Pure Fitness contains electrolytes to help aid hydration during light physical activity.

It contains no artificial sweeteners, flavors, or preservatives, has just 15 calories per serving. It also comes in three flavors grape, strawberry kiwi, and lemon lime.

***This is very good, It tastes just like the original Crystal Light but sweeter. It’s better for you too! It’s hard for me to drink anything with artificial sweetners, because they hurt my stomach. This does not have any artificial flavors, but it still tastes very good.  I was able to try out strawberry kiwi and lemon lime. It actually tastes like there were real strawberries and lemons in the drink.

Release:Crystal Light pure Fitness will be available in March 2010

Retail:$3.29 for seven packets

My rating:9

Disclosure: I received a product from the company for my review.

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6 thoughts on “Crystal Light Pure Fitness Review

  1. I just heard of this product today, and I’m very happy to see a review on it. Are the electrolytes in it what make it different then the other Crystal Light drinks?

    Brightest Blessings,

  2. I bought the Strawberry flavor, really good, no funny after taste like with aspartame. My 4yr old daughter even likes it and can drink it, I would NEVER let her have the aspartame. Aspartame is bad stuff.

    1. Here, here! I’ve done what reading I can on aspartame, and I haven’t heard much good about it. I’m very happy to hear that it doesn’t have aspartame. With this piece of information, I’m going to have to look a little harder for it!

  3. Tried it, do not like the after taste, kinda tart!
    Glad products are not using aspartame and all the other artificial ingredients. They are all very bad for you, pure chemicals. Another very good tasting alternative is SUSTA. I have tried that and no after taste, plus I can use as I am a diabetic. Not really fond of the after taste w/Truvia and Stevia.

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