New Blockbuster Express easier way to rent movies

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I love watching movies with my kids, it’s so exciting watching their faces light up on a good part. If you watch the same movie 50 times it starts to get annoying, so occasionally I’ll go out and rent a movie.

I usually choose the mail in movie program, or the kiosks. Taking 3 kids into a movie store turns into more than I can handle.

Blockbuster has come out with an easy and simple way to rent movies without the headache. Blockbuster Express Kiosks make renting DVDs fast, easy, and affordable! You can rent DVDs online for only $1 per night at No membership required.

The rent online feature at Blockbuster Express you can browse through movies at your local kiosks. rent movies to be picked up later, and create a favorite list.

Momselect has shared a code with me, that I am passing along to you. Rent one get one free just use code 555G13B.  Thats two movies for $1 a day.

                                                             Coupon Code

This code expires March 31 so hurry

Disclosure: I am participating in a blog contest with Momselect to win a gift card.

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