Disinfect with Seventh Generation GiveawayCLOSED

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It’s Spring, which means Spring cleaning time. I Really hate using cleaners that have a strong smell and most of them are toxic anyway.  Seventh Generation products are non-toxic and safe for the enviroment.

A little information on Seventh Generation:

For the past 20 years, Seventh Generation has tapped into the disinfecting power of the herb thyme, to introduce an EPA registered line of disinfecting sprays and wipes that kill germs* naturally! The new line of botanical disinfectant cleaners includes a multi-surface cleaning spray, bathroom cleaning spray and wipes. The disinfectants contain thymol, a component of the herb thyme, and can be used on hard surfaces including counter tops, plastic cutting boards, high chair trays as well as children’s toys.  Best of all, they kill over 99.99 percent of germs* naturally and are effective against the Influenza A Virus, including H1N1.

*** I received a variety of cleaning products including recycled paper towels, a caddy and a book The Conscious Kitchen.   The cleaning products are great, i don’t have to worry about strong smells or my kids breathing in harsh chemicals.  the Caddy makes it convienant to carry cleaning items upstairs.

The Book The conscious Kitchen talks about what’s good for your health, what’s good for the planet and what tastes great.  Also includes tips on maintaining a green and healthy kitchen. Some tips from the book:

  • Change is Good- Choosing cleaning products without indoor air pollutants like volatile organic compounds, or VOCs, is a simple and effective way to reduce your indoor air pollution. If you’re not prepared to switch everything overnight, start by swapping out the one product you use the most, and moving forward from there.
  • Think before you sprayResidues from cleaning products can last on a surface for longer than we we’d like to know and travel to areas that we sometimes don’t intend them to. Don’t contaminate your food by prepping it on a surface that may contain harsh chemical residues – rinse cleaning products from food preparation surfaces carefully or use botanical disinfecting cleaners that do not require a rinse step.
  • Mom Was Right, Wash Your HandsWash your hands with soap and water before and after prepping food, and always before eating. So much of what can be potentially harmful in a kitchen can be reduced by this simple act that doesn’t require any harsh chemicals whatsoever.

 I have one Seventh Generation prize pack to giveaway (pictured above)

To enter tell me why you’d like to win this?

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Tweet this-2 entries (can be done daily).

contest closes 5/2/10

Disclosure:  Seventh Generation products, information and additional prize pack were provided by Seventh Generation through My Blog Spark.

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165 thoughts on “Disinfect with Seventh Generation GiveawayCLOSED

  1. I’d like to win because the products are chemical-free which means safe for my family and eco-friendly which means safe for the environment

    tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

  2. I need to get better about cleaning with more natural products. Thanks for the chance.

  3. I’d like to win because like you said it is spring cleaning time and I would love to be able to “clean green” and not have to worry about any chemicals.

  4. I would love to have these green cleaning products. I have 2 small children so it is a must to use non toxic products.

  5. I would love to win because I have switched using harmful chemicals to clean in our home. I am concerned for the safety of my family and the enviroment.

  6. These would be great to have since they are non-toxic so I can worry less knowing it’s safer for my family and for the environment!

  7. I’d love to win this as I’m trying to replace my cleaning products with safer alternatives!

  8. I would like to win because I would love to have the opportunity to try a product with no harsh chemicals!

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