Kettleworx 6 week transformation Review

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 KettleWorx is a breakthrough program that gives you the three most important elements of fitness.  Cardio, Core and Resistance,  All at the same time and All in short 20-minute workouts. It works so well because KettleWorx makes your body become the ultimate fitness machine, moving in 3 dimensions, like nature intended. Youre toning every muscle, getting resistance plus core plus cardio and youre transforming your body in just six short weeks.

Contains 6 dvds

  • Introduction
  • Cardio
  • Resistance
  • Core
  • Fast abs
  • Fast fat burn

****This is very hardcore. This k. iou have a bad bacs a great for your arms and abs, legs. It can be very strenuous on your body if you have a bad back. I received a 10lb. wieght, which I think may have been a little heavy for me, but I wanted the challenge. I had to cut the routine down to 1 a week, because of my back and legs. I have only lost a pound but i took 3 inches off my waist.  This is a great way to to tone up and get in shape for the summer.


Disclosure: I did not receive compensation for this post. Products were provided for my review.

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One thought on “Kettleworx 6 week transformation Review

  1. I have heard of this workout, but never seen anyone review it. I also have heard of kettle balls and am wondering if maybe it is similar?
    Would love to give this a go as I dont care for the dance stuff at all and am more of a walker and balance ball user.
    One of these days hoping you will do a contest-it looks interesting!

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