The New Atkins For A New You Review

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Atkins or A New You is:

  • Powerful-Learn how to eat the wholesome foods that will turn your body into an amazing fat burning machine.
  • Easy-The updated and simplified program was created with you and your goals in mind.
  • Healthy-Atkins is about eating delicious and healthy food–a variey of protein, leafy greens and other vegetables, nuts, fruits and whole grains.
  • Flexible-Perfect for busy lifestyles: you can stick with Atkins at work, at home, on vacation, when your eating out-wherever you are.
  • Backed by Science-More than 50 studies support the low-carb science behind Atkins.

***This book has been on the bestseller lists for weeks. It’s a great way to eat healthy and not have to give up your favorite foods. I’ve tried everying stay in shape, but am still having trouble. I have a hard time turning down my favorite foods, and controlling my portions.  This book is great for staying on track with your diet. I was a little disappointed at first, because I thought it was going to be a book full of Recipes. This book does have some recipes, but not much. This is great for getting on track with healthy eating.

You can find this book at any major retailer, and you can get a $3 mail in rebate on this book.  Please download the form at


Release date: March 1, 2010

Disclosure: I did not receive any compensation for this post, a product was provided for my review from Atkins.

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