Aquafresh Mom Works Beyond Contest and Giveaway

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Being a mom can be tough at times, but I’ve always found a way to get through it. Wether its changing 3 diapers, being a taxi driver, or the hardest taking care of my daughter and being pregnant while my husband was in Iraq. Being a mom always has its perks, and I would never go back. I am the kind of person who is afraid to show I need help at times, but I am learning to be better about it. Aquafresh wants to help moms by offering them some amazing products in the Mom Works Beyond promotion. 

Now Its your turn Aquafresh wants to hear from you. What makes you a mom that works beyond? Please leave a comment sharing.

I will randomly chose 1 winner to be nominated for the Grand prize of A year supply of Aquafresh products and a $500 Walmart shopping spree.

you also have a chance to win $50 Walmart gift card and Aquafresh products.

unlimited entries- blog, tweet, subscribe, comment again.

Contest Closes 6/9/10

Its short so get your entries in.

M80 is supplying products for review. I did not receive any other compensation.

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31 thoughts on “Aquafresh Mom Works Beyond Contest and Giveaway

  1. I have 3 children and I’ve never had anyone take care of them (other than their daddy) a day in their lives. Our families live out of state so we’ve never had any outside help. I pride myself on having been able to raise them and guide them on our own.

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  2. I have one grown daughter, but have had unlimited ‘furbabies’ I have a small out of pocket cat rescue and have had one for almost 20 years. I have rehomed countless cats, kittens and everything in between.
    Those cats who because of medical or behavior issues stay with me -right now there are 5 that call this home.
    I hope I have passed some of this caring and compassion to my daughter-and I think has happened- she is pursuing a nursing degree.

  3. For many years, I have/do struggle with major depression and bipolar. I made a vow to myself a long time ago, that I would try/be the best mom I could be. Well, I am glad to say my kids have grown up into responsible, caring adults/teenage

  4. We travel a lot around the world and I make sure kids respect different cultures and learn the best from them.

  5. So far the biggest challenge I’ve faced as a mom was when my daughter was born. Since we don’t have family in the area, we didn’t know who would care for her, if both my husband & I worked. But, after thousands of dollars of hospital bills (I had a very difficult pregnancy) on top of college loans, we were not sure that we could afford to live on one income. However, we made the decision that I would be a stay at home mom, no matter how financially difficult it would be. So, over the last two years, I’ve had to figure out unique ways to supplement our income (i.e. mystery shopping, etc) that I could do, even when my husband was traveling. The Lord has definitely provided along the way, and our daughter has never starved or been watched by anyone besides my husband & I. 😉

    And, I’ve been blessed to be there for every milestone in my daughter’s life. My most memorable moment was having her spontaneously give me a kiss and say “I love you” for the first time! It made the sleepless nights worth it. 🙂

  6. I’d like to believe that I go above and beyond as a mom by staying very active in my daughter’s school. I volunteer for activities, I participate in all events and help out in class. I am a PTA member and in general, very visible.

  7. I am a stay at home mom of two sons, ages 21 and 17. I consider myself very lucky to have been able to be a full time mom, so I try to give back to our community by volunteering. I have volunteered in both of my son’s schools as a Room Mom, a PTA board member and I am currently working in my son’s High School’s College Room. I have been a Cub Scout leader and a Boy Scout leader and even attended week long summer camp, 3 times! I have volunteered for my most challenging project so far. I am the director for the 2011 Project Graduation. We will be hosting a drug-free, alcohol-free celebration for 400 kids!

  8. For the past two years I have picked up other children along with my two who were out for summer school break and have taken them to our university were they can swim as long as they want for $3.00 in an olympic pool. All of their parents have full time jobs and I felt so sorry for the children couped up in the house till their parents came home. Needless to say it is like a suana in the pool area so sitting there is very uncomfortable to me because I am unable to swim due to a fractured hip. I would also pick up other children on Tuesdays and Thursdays who wanted to join the chess club at my son’s school but had no one to take them before 8:00am on those days.

  9. I am a SAHM and I basically never stop working. I am with my son 24 hours a day and some days I LITERALLY am with my son 24 hours a day! I have had many nights where he wouldn’t sleep unless I was holding him…so I would spend my nights in a twin size bed with my little 2 year old. Every day I somehow manage to take care of our son and dog, cook, clean, pay bills, manage a budget, entertain our son as well as try to teach him things, and also maintain a blog. My son is my number one priority and I am basically an ordinary mom…but I think ordinary moms are extraordinary!

  10. To me, going beyond means taking the time to figure out what is most important. Sometimes it may be hard to differentiate between what kids want, what they need in the short term, and what they ultimately need, and even harder to prioritize these things. In the end, though, I feel it is worth the effort.

  11. I am a single, working Mom. Not by choice, his dad was abusive and I chose to leave, and not have him subjected to this lifestyle. I have raised my son totally on my own from nine months. I applaude all single moms. I do believe it takes two people to have a child and to raise one. Working and raising a child is not easy. I have brought my son with me to jobs, and worked from home with him. I even delivered newspapers with him for extra income. It was to an elderly housing area. The older folks loved having a two year old bring them their newspaper. I wouldn’t have changed any of this. Now trying to get through six years of college with him will be my biggest monetary challenge. The internet is such a world of information for moms!!

  12. Before having kids, I did not have the healthiest diet. When I became pregnant with twins and had to deal with health issues like gestational diabetes, I really had to watch what I ate. I started buying more organic fruits and veggies, eating less red meat, buying household products that were “green” and trying to live a more sustainable lifestyle. When I was on bed rest and maternity leave, I found blogs that showed how to maximize savings using coupons on sale items. Now that the kids are 16 months and eating table food, I try to provide them with a healthy diet. I work full time and my commute is 2 hours each day, the weekends are all the time I have to get in quality time with my family, run errands, do chores, clip and organize coupons and grocery shop. This leaves little personal time to myself. But I feel that it is what I need to do to take care of my family and provide the healthiest home life possible. Seeing my family healthy and happy means so much to me. I feel so strongly about this that as the VP Programs for my moms of multiples group, I am working to bring this type of info to our meetings to educate other moms on how to provide healthier, happier homes to their families.

    member (dot) thao (at)

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