Gossip Girl Season 3

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Gossip Girl has been on for 3 seasons, and I try to catch as many episodes as I can.   We try to limit our television time.   I am totally stumped on who Gossip Girl is maybe Jenny, or Serena. I also think though that maybe the character is not a woman, just maybe voiced by a woman. Serena’s younger brother has been a sheltered character who commit suicide, maybe it was all a set up, and it’s him.

Buy Gossip Girl Season 3 tomorrow.

 “I have been hired by Warner Bros WBWord division to raise awareness for Gossip Girl: The Complete Third Season – which arrives on Blu-ray/DVD on August 24. Pre-order your set, and unlock an exclusive show clip by playing the Gossip Girl game here: http://bit.ly/cx8nDx!” I also received a advance copy of Gossip Girl season3.

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