Participate in the Loose-A-Palooza

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Getting healthy and losing weight means fighting hunger and obesity.   Weight Watchers’ third annual Lose for Good campaign, a program that partners members, online subscribers and charitable organizations to help fight world hunger. September 5 through October 23 as members lose weight, Weight Watchers will donate up to 1 million dollars to Share Our Strength and Action Against Hunger.

Now if your not a member of Weight Watchers you can still participate in the one day only social media campaign on September 14, 2010

For every mention of “Lose For Good” made on Facebook, blogs, Twitter, and check-ins via foursquare, Weight Watchers will donate $1 – up to $60,000 – as part of the Lose For Good donation. Click here for full details.

You can join in on twitter by using the hashtag #loseforgood

Disclosure: Nothing was received for this post, just sharing info with my readers.

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