Entourage and what my life would be as a movie star

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Entourage” depicts the glamorous Hollywood lifestyle of Vincent Chase, a sexy young movie star whose career is just taking off,  and his entourage. Vince and the boys have Los Angeles at their fingertips, and they frequently endulge in all the the spoils that come with celebrity. Their life is hard work and ultimate play! 

If my life were anything like Vincents , this is how it would play out. I would be a movie star, which was always my dream until a teacher ruined it for me ( thats a whole different story).  The one thing I would totally avoid is paparazzi, I would never want people knowing my personal stuff.  I think I wouldn’t be as much a partier though, i’d be more about family.  I’m not sure who would be part of mu Entourage. I haven’t really had a lot of good friends for a while. I would have a big house on the beach, and a maid. thats my dream if I were a celebrity.

Watch “Entourage” five nights a week!  Check your local listings here:  http://www.entourageweeknights.com/

 Disclosure:  “I have been hired by Warner Bros WBWord division to raise awareness for ‘Entourage.'”

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