Holiday Gift Guide 2010: Cusinart deep fryer

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Product Description: Cuisinart presents a deep fryer that takes up less counter space. Designed to fry batches up to 3/4 of a pound in just 1.1 litter of oil, this is great deep fryer even for spur-of-the-moment snacks and meals. The compact design allows creative cooks to prepare fried calamari to top a salad, and moms to fry up mozzarella sticks for kids. Temperatures up to 375F and a die-cast frying bowl maintain selected oil temperatures for restaurant-quality results. Easy to use, easy to clean, and simple to store, it could make deep frying an everyday event!

**** I know frying food is not very healthy, but after living in the south it’s something hard to deter away from.  Specially since my husband introduced me to Buffalo style chicken finger subs, which are so delicious.  When you bake french fries or chicken strips in the oven it doesn’t taste the same as frying them. The Cusinart deep fryer is very small so it will fit anywhere in your kitchen.  It helps with portion sizes since it only fits 3/4 pounds of food.

Retail: $90.00 but you can get it on Amazon for $49.94

My rating: 9

Disclosure: I did not recieve any compensation for this post, a product was provided for my review.

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