Trying to Lose Weight

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losing weight after having kids has not been easy for me at all. I have had 3 kids in less than 3 years and it  has taken it’s toll on my body.   Before my first child I was around 120 which is perfect for my height. 

Now…..  I know a lot of women don’t reveal their weight, but I could care less if you know I am over weight. I am 5’2″ and weigh 155, so my goal is 30 pounds. 

It will not be an easy journey as I get stressed out a lot with taking care of 3 kids under the age of 6, and financial stuff too.  

I have cut out almost all sugars, no soda, I cut down red meat to 1 or 2 a week, exercise for 20 minutes a day.

What I am hoping for is support in the Blogosphere to help. so check in to see how my weight loss journey is going.

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