fashion mishaps make kids cute

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my daughter is at the age where she wants to dress herself, no matter how mismatched or wierd she looks. my daughters love polly pocket and have so much fun changing out there outfits. my daughter has even said she wishes she could dress like that. so when parent bloggers network teamed up with toys r us for the polly pocket pop n swap. i jumped right on it.

when my daughter was 18 months she came down stairs wearing a pair of sweats, a tutu, and a spagetti strap t. well it’s the middle of winter so that was seasonable. i told her it just didn’t go together. she replied with this is my style.  i convinced her to take off the sweats. she could only wear it around the house due to the weather. that problem got solved

my kids don’t like clothing to much thats one of my biggest fashion problem.  no clothes at all.  i usually let them run around the house like that. i try not to let them out, but they see no problem in it. so my kids run around our apartment complex, with only diapers and underwear, at least until i can catch them.

my daughter are so fascinated by the disney princess’s, polly pocket, etc. they want to play dress up all the time. i encourage there creativity, but also try to explain to them fantasy and reality. people don’t wear ballgowns to the grocery store. princess movies they do, but not in real life. so she can play dress up at home, but when we leave she needs to put her play clothes back on. i’m usually in charge of the clothing, but i do encourage my daughter to go carzy with her jewlery if she’d want to. beaded neckalaces in all.

my daughter biggest problem right now is learning how to put clothes on the right way. she’ll get ready to go. she’ll have her , pants shirt and shoes on backward. i will correct them, but she gets upset. when i let her go out like that. people look at me like i am a bad parent. 

so i’ve gotten into the habit of corridenating her drawers and outfits together so she knows, what matches and what doesn’t. she still wants to dress like a princess everyday.

this post was written for a contest in conjunction with parent bloggers network and toys r us polly pocket pop n swap

this si what my children want to dress like everyday.

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  1. Pingback: Blog Blast - Mix ‘n Match, Pop ‘n Swap (Plus, Last Week’s Winner!) | The Parent Bloggers Network

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