Bing “Our School Needs” Your Vote

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In a bid to win $100,000 for their school, parents, students, and teachers around the country have been telling Bing what their school needs through essays, photos and videos.  Bing is awarding a quarter-million dollars in prize money divided among four schools in need, and your vote can make all the difference. The entry with the most votes wins $100k, and 3 others will each win $50k.

You can visit here and vote for your favorite video

We live in a wealthy neighborhood(we are not), and my daughters school is one of the top rated elemenatry schools here in Long Island. I receive letters at least twice a week for some kind of donation. The first two weeks of school we had 6 fundraisers, it was crazy.

If you are one of the first 30,000 to vote, you will receive a $3 Donation code. voting is only open until Nov. 7 so hurry.

One of my favorite videos is The video from Fort Carson Co., My husband was stationed there for a while. I know how hard it is on kids to only have one parent around and worry about the other fighting overseas.

Don’t Forget to go vote

 “I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Bing and received a gift card and giving code to thank me for taking the time to participate.”

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