Thanksgiving with Butterball GiveawayClosed

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Thanksgiving is approaching soon and I know that because I was driving through Cold Spring Harbor and i see 6 Turkeys running down the street. LOL, it was so cute, I wish I could have got a picture.

Thanksgiving is coming up and what better way to Celebrate than with Butterball. If you have been cooking Thanksgiving for years, or if this year will be your first has everything you need.

I have Butterball coupons to giveaway for Thanksgiving

To enter: Tell me if you will be cooking yourself or heading out?

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Contest ends 11/17/10 at 3pm est. To ensure you get coupons in time.

Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post, Giveaway coupons were provided by Butterball.

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287 thoughts on “Thanksgiving with Butterball GiveawayClosed

  1. I will be cooking for the family. We used to go to my in laws and mothers but about 10 years ago I wanted to start my own families traditions and cooked for us every year since then..I love Thanksgiving..

  2. i’ll likely be cooking myself, unless i magically get at least 2 days off work (i work in retail – it’s doubtful!).
    oheeyore at hotmail dot com

  3. I’ll be cooking the turkey for Thanksgiving Day dinner. I love getting the meal together with all the trimmings. And my home made pecan pie? YUM Thanks.

  4. daily tweet 1-
    karenmed409 at comcast dot net

  5. daily tweet 2-
    karenmed409 at comcast dot net

  6. I will be going to my Sister in Laws but the family loves to have a Turkey Dinner at home for the leftovers for Turkey sandwiches and Turkey soup.


  7. I will be cooking at home. I’m not quite sure yet how many I’ll be hosting. My 81-year-old mother will be with us and hopefully my 7-month-old grandson will be here, also. I stress a little about cooking the holiday meal–it’s never as good as mom’s was…would love to win a Butterball turkey. Thanks for the giveaway.
    [email protected]

  8. I’m lucky enough that my mom LOVES cooking Thanksgiving dinner! My duties, as helper, have grown over the years, but she still loves doing it!

    coriwestphal at msn dot com

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