Amy’s Natural and Organic foods

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Amy’s Kitchen is a family business… with every member of the family taking part. The company was started in 1987, when Amy was born. Her mom and dad, Rachel and Andy Berliner, carefully nurtured the company as well as the child, paying constant attention to every aspect of its day to day activities and providing the vision that has made Amy’s so successful.

***My husband is lactose and tolerant so making some of my favorite foods at dinner is out of the question, or I have to make an alternative for him. We tried Amy’s no cheese pizza, and added a little soy cheese on it. My husband said it was delicious and great to not have to make a pizza by hand. The pizza has onions, bell peppers and shitake mushrooms.  It’s the perfect easy made lunch, dinner or snack for anyone that has dairy problems.  

Retail: $7.99

Disclosure: no compensation was received, a coupon was provided by the company.

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