PopChips Blog Tour and GiveawayClosed

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Healthier, delicious, all-natural. Actually, we are all that and a bag of chips. How do we do it? Well, first, let’s talk about how we don’t do it. We never fry our chips. That just puts a lot of stuff in there that we could all do without. We never bake our chips either. That just takes a lot of flavor out, which, as snackers, we simply can’t do without.

****These chips are tastey and come in a variety of flavors. They never baked nor fried, which makes them better for you, but they just don’t have as much flavor as regular chips. My husband and kids didn’t seem to mind the chips having less flavor, but my husband did not favor the salt and pepper chips.

I have a box full of PopChips to giveaway to one lucky reader

To enter all you have to do is like Popchips on Facebook, don’t have a facebook account just leave a comment letting me know if you ever tried these.

Extra entries:

Subscribe to my feed-7 entries

Blog about this with a link in the comments-6 entries

Follow on twitter- 5 entries

Tweet this giveaway-3 entries (can be done daily)

Contest ends 12/1/10

“I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of popchips and received a “Get Popped” box of popchips and a $30 gift certificate to thank me for taking the time to participate.”

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104 thoughts on “PopChips Blog Tour and GiveawayClosed

  1. I don’t have a facebook account~so glad you have an alternate way to enter=)
    I haven’t tried Pop Chips but now I will be looking for them!

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