What I was going to tell you today

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Well today I was invited to a screening of Tangled, I had reserved seats through Disney. So my family and I drive the 45 minutes to Farmingdale getting a little lost on the way. We finally get there and see crying kids coming out of the theatre. One lady said good luck getting in they told us it was full. I think to myself well I have reserved seats, it should be no problem.

Nope I was turned away and the guy totally lied to my face. First I was not on the rsvp list, then he changed it to I never saw the list, but rsvp were to be here an hour early. Who in there right mind brings small kids to a movie an hour early.  So I argue a little bit, they said all they could do was email Courtney, she probably doesn’t work on the weekends though.  The workers were very rude and i hope Disney never has another screening there again.

So now Thanks to Multiplex Cinemas In Farmingdale NY 1001 Broad Hollow RD Farmingdale NY 11735 for making my kids ball their little eyes out and make Mommy break a promise to them. You truely are Assholes, and I will never visit your theatre again.

So yes I was going to tell you all about the movie Tangled but since I didn’t get to see it, I can’t.

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8 thoughts on “What I was going to tell you today

  1. That is horrible! I truly hope whomever your contact is makes it right :/
    Poor kids- that was a long drive wait!

  2. YOU TELL EM GIRL! THAT was so rude of them and how can they do that to little kids. I can see if that might not be such a huge problem for adults, other than money lost driving and the inconvenience…but for God’s sake a business should not be doing that to little kids. I am mad for you and so glad you posted this. I say you should email them this post and let THEIR pr person see this. Bad business in this economy is sure economical suicide. They need to know how rude those workers were! Stat!

  3. I sure would be contacting who invited you and your family and letting them have a piece of it too. That is sad. Very poor planning. You had tickets! Contact them and let us know the outcome. (I would make srue you leave a link to your post too) Not only disappointment for the kids but in this economy who can afford to go all out of their way to be turned away! Nothing accomplished.

  4. That is so sad! I went through something similar with this movie in Atlanta as well. I guess their marketing didn’t go so well on this one. The really sad thing is I will probably pay for my girls to see this since they were so excited. I’m sorry this happened to you too.

  5. That is so sad. Poor kiddies. My daughter would be pretty upset also if we planned a movie night and didn’t get in. I agree with you on “who in their right mind would bring kids to a movie an hour early

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