Get Organized Now For 2011

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I know everyone has resolutions and start on new years, but my Mother always told me whatever you want done in the new year do it before the New Year. “A dirty house on New Years is a dirty house all year-long”. 

Organization is something we all want to have. As a blogger I get sent press releases and products and I’ll admit I let things get scattered. Here are some tips from Smead and myself to get organized in December for the New Year.

Clear The Clutter- find everything that’s lying around and the papers piled around and find a place for them. Go through your pens and throw away the ones that don’t work.

Clean Out Those File Cabinets-Recycle papers you don’t need anymore, if it’s a bank statement from 6 years ago shred it, you’ll probably never need it again.

Family Calender Have a calender by your work space for family appts, and activities. I have a BusyBodyBook and it has an individual section for each family member, so I never get lost in the 100 things on 1 day.

Get in a routine- Get in a routine now, send the kids to bed at the same time, lay clothes out the night before. Make lunches in advance or set out lunch money.

Check In With Family-Ask once a week what your family’s schedule is, has anything come up or changed. To make sure you have it written down.

Start now and get everything thing the way you want it, and you’ll already be set for the new year.

visit Smead Oranomics online or on Facebook

Disclosure: Information was provided by Smead Organomics, who is also compensating me with a gift card.

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