never knew a zoo until you walked in my house

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i’ll admit i have never been much of a clean freak. my husband is though so i’ve tried to better myself. after we had kids, i feel like i could clean from morning to night and make little difference.

it makes me feel like i’m living in a zoo, which reminds me of the fun animal sounds like the great toy, i know animals letters and sounds.  so when parent bloggers network had a blog blast about this exact thing i’m taking part.

i have two toddlers and a infant. so my living room is filled with toys, a kitchen playset, a playpen, and a walker. let me tell you it gets pretty messy. i step on toys all day long and feel like toys just keep adding you can tell in the background. my living room is a mess. toys everywhere, my kids try to act like princess’s though!( should of used this pic on th

this is my living room on a good day. still messy but not as bad


my kids room is better than it’s been. my two girls share a room, so itgets a little messy. especially since i have another 4 bins of toys up there. plus i have clothes beyond belief, coming out of every corner. it gets a little rediculous.

my girls room, now i have to admit i did clean a little before i took the pic. no one wants to see little panties on the floor


my sons room (10 months) is a work in progress. he grows out of clothes so fast, and i don’t have a lot of places to put all this stuff. it kindof just gets cluttered. it’s pretty bad.

my sons room, clothes and outgrown baby stuff everywhere


after i had kids it became very difficult to do anything. i never do anything alone. i chase kids around the grocery store. i can never go clothes shopping. i’m constantly picking clothes up and putting them back. my kids pull them off the racks. there are tantrums in the stores. i do a load of laundry everyday.  

the worst of all is after meals. there is such a big mess. food ground into the carpet. food everywhere. i really have to say i feel like i’m living in a zoo.    i’ll admit sometimes i feel like i’m a animal in the zoo. i don’t have time to take a shower or put makeup on etc. it makes me look awful. but thats what kids are for!

my toddlers run around and scream all day like they are monkeys, whats worse than that is my sons scream i have never heard a boy scream lik etaht. he’s a howler monkey! my daughter jumps off furniture like a kangaroo. ugh! i’m living in a zoo!


this post was written for a contest in conjunction with generation next and the parent bloggers network

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